Module cope.node

Expand source code
from .packet import Packet, COPEPacket, ReceptionReport
from .link import Link

class Node:

    def __init__(self, mac_address: str, x: float, y: float, hierarchy_class: str, transmit_distance: float, response_wait_time: int, packet_pool_expiration: float) -> None:
        Creates a node object
        self.mac_address = mac_address
        self.x, self.y = x, y
        self.hierarchy_class: str = hierarchy_class
        self.transmit_distance: float = transmit_distance
        self.response_wait_time: int = response_wait_time

        self.links: dict[str, Link] = {}
        self.queues: dict[str, list[tuple[Packet, int]]] = {}
        self.waiting_for_response: dict[int, Packet] = {}
        self.waiting_for_cleanup: dict[int, Packet] = {}
        self.packet_pool: dict[tuple[str, bool], int] = {}
        self.neighbor_state: dict[str, set[tuple[int, bool]]] = {}
        self.packet_pool_expiration: int = packet_pool_expiration

        self.sent: dict[int, int] = {}
        self.received: dict[int, int] = {}
        self.received_packets: int = 0
        self.coded_packets_history: list[tuple[list[int], int]] = []

        self.resurrected = {}
        self.reversing = set()

    def add_link(self, other: "Node") -> None:
        Adds a link from self to other and creates a queue for that neighbor in self.
        distance = min(self.transmit_distance, other.get_transmit_distance())
        other_x, other_y = other.get_position()
        actual = ((self.x - other_x) ** 2 + (self.y - other_y) ** 2) ** 0.5
        if actual <= distance:
            link = Link(self, other)
            self.links[other.get_mac()] = link
            self.queues[other.get_mac()] = []
            self.neighbor_state[other.get_mac()] = set()

    def initiate_send(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) -> None:
        Initiates the send of packet.
        self.sent[packet.get_id()] = timestep
        self.queues[packet.get_path()[1]].append((packet, timestep))
        self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), True)] = timestep

    def enqueue_packet(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) -> None:
        Enqueues the given packet.

        If self is destination of packet, check if self sent packet with this packet id. 
            If yes, we are done. If no, enqueue a response packet and send back to original src.
        assert not (packet.get_is_request()
                    and packet.get_path()[0] == self.get_mac())
        # we are the final destination of a response
        if packet.get_id() in self.sent or (not packet.get_is_request() and packet.get_path()[-1] == self.get_mac()):
            self.received[packet.get_id()] = timestep
            self.received_packets += 1
        # we are the final destination of a request
        elif packet.get_is_request() and packet.get_path()[-1] == self.get_mac():
            self.waiting_for_cleanup[timestep] = packet.get_reverse()
        # we are engaging in promiscuous listening
        elif self.get_mac() not in packet.get_path():
        # we are a node on the path
            path = packet.get_path()
            nexthop = path[path.index(self.mac_address) + 1]
            self.queues[nexthop].append((packet, timestep))
        # should always be putting a packet that we enqueue into our pool
        self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), packet.get_is_request())] = timestep

    def receive_cope_packet(self, cope_packet: COPEPacket, timestep: int) -> None:
        Lets the given node receive a COPEPacket
        reception_report = cope_packet.get_reception_report()

        packets = cope_packet.get_packets()
        new_packet = None
        for packet in packets:
            if (packet.get_id(), packet.get_is_request()) in self.packet_pool:
            elif packet.get_id() in self.sent and packet.get_is_request():
                self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), True)
                                 ] = self.sent[packet.get_id()]

            if new_packet is None:
                new_packet = packet

        # we have already seen all packets encoded here
        if new_packet is None:
        if new_packet.get_id() in self.resurrected and self.resurrected[new_packet.get_id()]:
            # print(self.resurrected)
            # print((new_packet.get_id(), new_packet.get_is_request()))
            # print(new_packet.get_path())
            # print(self.packet_pool)
            # print(self.get_mac())
            # print(self.reversing)
            # print((new_packet.get_id(), False) in self.packet_pool)
            # print('old fixed point')
            raise ValueError(new_packet.get_id())

                          new_packet.get_is_request())] = timestep
        self.enqueue_packet(new_packet, timestep)

    def cleanup(self, timestep: int) -> None:
        Cleans up hidden terminal collisions for nodes in promiscuous mode
        if list(self.packet_pool.values()).count(timestep) > 1:
            self.packet_pool = {p: t for p,
                                t in self.packet_pool.items() if t != timestep}
            self.waiting_for_cleanup = {}
            for t in self.waiting_for_cleanup:
                self.waiting_for_response[t +
                                          self.response_wait_time] = self.waiting_for_cleanup[t]
                self.waiting_for_cleanup = {}

        self.packet_pool = {p: t for p, t in self.packet_pool.items(
        ) if timestep - t < self.packet_pool_expiration}

    def receive_reception_report(self, report: ReceptionReport) -> None:
        Updates self's state based on the reception report
        node = report.get_node()
        packets = report.get_packets()
        self.neighbor_state[node] = set(packets)

    def learn_timestep(self, timestep: int) -> None:
        Tells this node the timestep that the arena is currently on. Updates the queue if it should 
        if timestep not in self.waiting_for_response:

        response_packet = self.waiting_for_response.pop(timestep)
        if response_packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
            # print(timestep)
            # print(self.resurrected)
            raise ValueError
        assert not response_packet.get_is_request()
        self.enqueue_packet(response_packet, timestep)
        self.resurrected[response_packet.get_id()] = False

    def get_next_destination(self) -> str:
        Returns the MAC address of the nexthop of the packets that will be sent next.
        smallest = float('inf')
        nexthop = None
        for neighbor, queue in self.queues.items():
            if not queue:
            elif queue[0][1] < smallest:
                nexthop = neighbor
                smallest = queue[0][1]

        return nexthop

    def send_from_queues(self, timestep: int, hidden_terminal: bool, override: bool) -> None:
        Look for an encoding opportunity amongst the heads of our neighbor queues.

        Dequeues the next packet(s), creates a COPEPacket object, and sends the packet to its next hops. 
        single = self.get_next_destination()
        nexthops = [single]
        packet = self.queues[single].pop(0)[0]
        if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
            assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]
            self.resurrected[packet.get_id()] = True
        packets = [packet]
        if hidden_terminal:
        for neighbor, q in self.queues.items():  # adds all packets to the copepacket
            if neighbor != nexthops[0]:
                if not (q and all((p.get_id(), p.get_is_request()) in self.neighbor_state[neighbor] for p in packets)):
                    # checks to see that all previous packets are in neighbor's packet pool

                p = q[0][0]
                if not all((p.get_id(), p.get_is_request()) in self.neighbor_state[node] for node in nexthops):
                    # checks to see if the node single knows p

                if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
                    assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]
                    self.resurrected[packet.get_id()] = True


        for neighbor in nexthops:  # this ensures fairness, so we are not just encoding the same people
            self.neighbor_state[neighbor] = self.neighbor_state.pop(neighbor)

        cope_packet = COPEPacket(packets, ReceptionReport(
            set(self.packet_pool), self.mac_address))

            ([packet.get_id() for packet in packets], timestep))

        for nexthop in self.links:
                cope_packet, self.mac_address, timestep, override)


    def send_reception_report(self, timestep: int, override: bool) -> None:
        Node sends a reception report to all its neighbors
        report = ReceptionReport(
            set(p for p in self.packet_pool), self.mac_address)
        for _, link in self.links.items():
                report, self.mac_address, timestep, override)

    def packet_in_queues(self) -> bool:
        Returns True iff there are packets in any of the nodes' queues
        return self.get_next_destination() is not None

    def check_rep(self) -> None:
        Asserts this representation is correct
        for _, q in self.queues.items():
            for packet, _ in q:
                if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
                    assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]

    def is_linked(self, other: str) -> bool:
        Given the MAC address of another node, returns True iff there is a link between self and other.
        return other in self.links

    def in_range(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool:
        Given an (x,y) coordinate, determines if that coordinate is within range of this node.
        return ((x - self.x) ** 2 + (y - self.y) ** 2) ** 0.5 <= self.transmit_distance

    def get_queue_state(self, neighbor: str) -> list[Packet]:
        Returns an ordered list of packets, representing self's current queue.
        assert neighbor in self.queues, 'cannot get queues of node that is not neighbor'
        return [p for p, _ in self.queues[neighbor]]

    def get_all_queues(self) -> dict[str, list[tuple[Packet, int]]]:
        Returns the state of all queues of self
        return {k: v[:] for k, v in self.queues.items()}

    def get_packets_received(self) -> int:
        Returns the number of packets that this node has received
        return self.received_packets

    def get_position(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
        Returns the position of the node in (x, y) format
        return (self.x, self.y)

    def get_mac(self) -> str:
        Returns the mac address of this node
        return self.mac_address

    def get_transmit_distance(self) -> float:
        Returns the transmit distance of this node
        return self.transmit_distance

    def get_neighbors(self) -> list['Node']:
        Return a list of nodes we are connected to.
        return list(self.links.keys())

    def get_probability(self, neighbor: str) -> float:
        Return the probability that a transmission to a neighbor will succeed.
        if not neighbor in self.links:
            return 0

        return self.links[neighbor].get_probability()

    def get_packet_pool(self) -> set[int]:
        Returns the packet pool of self
        return self.packet_pool

    def get_sent(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        Return a dictionary of packets sent by this node and their timesteps
        return {k: v for k, v in self.sent.items()}

    def get_received(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        Return a dictionary of packets received by this node and their timesteps
        return {k: v for k, v in self.received.items()}

    def get_coded_packets_history(self) -> list[tuple[list[int], int]]:
        Return the packet coding history for this node. 
        return [(entry[0][:], entry[1]) for entry in self.coded_packets_history]

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Returns a human-readable version of the string.
        return f"Node with MAC {self.mac_address}, at position ({self.x}, {self.y}) of class {self.hierarchy_class}"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Returns Node representation 
        return f"Node(mac_addr=\"{self.mac_address}\", x={self.x}, y={self.y}, transmit_distance={self.transmit_distance}, hierarchy_class=\"{self.hierarchy_class}\")"


class Node (mac_address: str, x: float, y: float, hierarchy_class: str, transmit_distance: float, response_wait_time: int, packet_pool_expiration: float)

Creates a node object

Expand source code
class Node:

    def __init__(self, mac_address: str, x: float, y: float, hierarchy_class: str, transmit_distance: float, response_wait_time: int, packet_pool_expiration: float) -> None:
        Creates a node object
        self.mac_address = mac_address
        self.x, self.y = x, y
        self.hierarchy_class: str = hierarchy_class
        self.transmit_distance: float = transmit_distance
        self.response_wait_time: int = response_wait_time

        self.links: dict[str, Link] = {}
        self.queues: dict[str, list[tuple[Packet, int]]] = {}
        self.waiting_for_response: dict[int, Packet] = {}
        self.waiting_for_cleanup: dict[int, Packet] = {}
        self.packet_pool: dict[tuple[str, bool], int] = {}
        self.neighbor_state: dict[str, set[tuple[int, bool]]] = {}
        self.packet_pool_expiration: int = packet_pool_expiration

        self.sent: dict[int, int] = {}
        self.received: dict[int, int] = {}
        self.received_packets: int = 0
        self.coded_packets_history: list[tuple[list[int], int]] = []

        self.resurrected = {}
        self.reversing = set()

    def add_link(self, other: "Node") -> None:
        Adds a link from self to other and creates a queue for that neighbor in self.
        distance = min(self.transmit_distance, other.get_transmit_distance())
        other_x, other_y = other.get_position()
        actual = ((self.x - other_x) ** 2 + (self.y - other_y) ** 2) ** 0.5
        if actual <= distance:
            link = Link(self, other)
            self.links[other.get_mac()] = link
            self.queues[other.get_mac()] = []
            self.neighbor_state[other.get_mac()] = set()

    def initiate_send(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) -> None:
        Initiates the send of packet.
        self.sent[packet.get_id()] = timestep
        self.queues[packet.get_path()[1]].append((packet, timestep))
        self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), True)] = timestep

    def enqueue_packet(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) -> None:
        Enqueues the given packet.

        If self is destination of packet, check if self sent packet with this packet id. 
            If yes, we are done. If no, enqueue a response packet and send back to original src.
        assert not (packet.get_is_request()
                    and packet.get_path()[0] == self.get_mac())
        # we are the final destination of a response
        if packet.get_id() in self.sent or (not packet.get_is_request() and packet.get_path()[-1] == self.get_mac()):
            self.received[packet.get_id()] = timestep
            self.received_packets += 1
        # we are the final destination of a request
        elif packet.get_is_request() and packet.get_path()[-1] == self.get_mac():
            self.waiting_for_cleanup[timestep] = packet.get_reverse()
        # we are engaging in promiscuous listening
        elif self.get_mac() not in packet.get_path():
        # we are a node on the path
            path = packet.get_path()
            nexthop = path[path.index(self.mac_address) + 1]
            self.queues[nexthop].append((packet, timestep))
        # should always be putting a packet that we enqueue into our pool
        self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), packet.get_is_request())] = timestep

    def receive_cope_packet(self, cope_packet: COPEPacket, timestep: int) -> None:
        Lets the given node receive a COPEPacket
        reception_report = cope_packet.get_reception_report()

        packets = cope_packet.get_packets()
        new_packet = None
        for packet in packets:
            if (packet.get_id(), packet.get_is_request()) in self.packet_pool:
            elif packet.get_id() in self.sent and packet.get_is_request():
                self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), True)
                                 ] = self.sent[packet.get_id()]

            if new_packet is None:
                new_packet = packet

        # we have already seen all packets encoded here
        if new_packet is None:
        if new_packet.get_id() in self.resurrected and self.resurrected[new_packet.get_id()]:
            # print(self.resurrected)
            # print((new_packet.get_id(), new_packet.get_is_request()))
            # print(new_packet.get_path())
            # print(self.packet_pool)
            # print(self.get_mac())
            # print(self.reversing)
            # print((new_packet.get_id(), False) in self.packet_pool)
            # print('old fixed point')
            raise ValueError(new_packet.get_id())

                          new_packet.get_is_request())] = timestep
        self.enqueue_packet(new_packet, timestep)

    def cleanup(self, timestep: int) -> None:
        Cleans up hidden terminal collisions for nodes in promiscuous mode
        if list(self.packet_pool.values()).count(timestep) > 1:
            self.packet_pool = {p: t for p,
                                t in self.packet_pool.items() if t != timestep}
            self.waiting_for_cleanup = {}
            for t in self.waiting_for_cleanup:
                self.waiting_for_response[t +
                                          self.response_wait_time] = self.waiting_for_cleanup[t]
                self.waiting_for_cleanup = {}

        self.packet_pool = {p: t for p, t in self.packet_pool.items(
        ) if timestep - t < self.packet_pool_expiration}

    def receive_reception_report(self, report: ReceptionReport) -> None:
        Updates self's state based on the reception report
        node = report.get_node()
        packets = report.get_packets()
        self.neighbor_state[node] = set(packets)

    def learn_timestep(self, timestep: int) -> None:
        Tells this node the timestep that the arena is currently on. Updates the queue if it should 
        if timestep not in self.waiting_for_response:

        response_packet = self.waiting_for_response.pop(timestep)
        if response_packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
            # print(timestep)
            # print(self.resurrected)
            raise ValueError
        assert not response_packet.get_is_request()
        self.enqueue_packet(response_packet, timestep)
        self.resurrected[response_packet.get_id()] = False

    def get_next_destination(self) -> str:
        Returns the MAC address of the nexthop of the packets that will be sent next.
        smallest = float('inf')
        nexthop = None
        for neighbor, queue in self.queues.items():
            if not queue:
            elif queue[0][1] < smallest:
                nexthop = neighbor
                smallest = queue[0][1]

        return nexthop

    def send_from_queues(self, timestep: int, hidden_terminal: bool, override: bool) -> None:
        Look for an encoding opportunity amongst the heads of our neighbor queues.

        Dequeues the next packet(s), creates a COPEPacket object, and sends the packet to its next hops. 
        single = self.get_next_destination()
        nexthops = [single]
        packet = self.queues[single].pop(0)[0]
        if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
            assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]
            self.resurrected[packet.get_id()] = True
        packets = [packet]
        if hidden_terminal:
        for neighbor, q in self.queues.items():  # adds all packets to the copepacket
            if neighbor != nexthops[0]:
                if not (q and all((p.get_id(), p.get_is_request()) in self.neighbor_state[neighbor] for p in packets)):
                    # checks to see that all previous packets are in neighbor's packet pool

                p = q[0][0]
                if not all((p.get_id(), p.get_is_request()) in self.neighbor_state[node] for node in nexthops):
                    # checks to see if the node single knows p

                if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
                    assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]
                    self.resurrected[packet.get_id()] = True


        for neighbor in nexthops:  # this ensures fairness, so we are not just encoding the same people
            self.neighbor_state[neighbor] = self.neighbor_state.pop(neighbor)

        cope_packet = COPEPacket(packets, ReceptionReport(
            set(self.packet_pool), self.mac_address))

            ([packet.get_id() for packet in packets], timestep))

        for nexthop in self.links:
                cope_packet, self.mac_address, timestep, override)


    def send_reception_report(self, timestep: int, override: bool) -> None:
        Node sends a reception report to all its neighbors
        report = ReceptionReport(
            set(p for p in self.packet_pool), self.mac_address)
        for _, link in self.links.items():
                report, self.mac_address, timestep, override)

    def packet_in_queues(self) -> bool:
        Returns True iff there are packets in any of the nodes' queues
        return self.get_next_destination() is not None

    def check_rep(self) -> None:
        Asserts this representation is correct
        for _, q in self.queues.items():
            for packet, _ in q:
                if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
                    assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]

    def is_linked(self, other: str) -> bool:
        Given the MAC address of another node, returns True iff there is a link between self and other.
        return other in self.links

    def in_range(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool:
        Given an (x,y) coordinate, determines if that coordinate is within range of this node.
        return ((x - self.x) ** 2 + (y - self.y) ** 2) ** 0.5 <= self.transmit_distance

    def get_queue_state(self, neighbor: str) -> list[Packet]:
        Returns an ordered list of packets, representing self's current queue.
        assert neighbor in self.queues, 'cannot get queues of node that is not neighbor'
        return [p for p, _ in self.queues[neighbor]]

    def get_all_queues(self) -> dict[str, list[tuple[Packet, int]]]:
        Returns the state of all queues of self
        return {k: v[:] for k, v in self.queues.items()}

    def get_packets_received(self) -> int:
        Returns the number of packets that this node has received
        return self.received_packets

    def get_position(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
        Returns the position of the node in (x, y) format
        return (self.x, self.y)

    def get_mac(self) -> str:
        Returns the mac address of this node
        return self.mac_address

    def get_transmit_distance(self) -> float:
        Returns the transmit distance of this node
        return self.transmit_distance

    def get_neighbors(self) -> list['Node']:
        Return a list of nodes we are connected to.
        return list(self.links.keys())

    def get_probability(self, neighbor: str) -> float:
        Return the probability that a transmission to a neighbor will succeed.
        if not neighbor in self.links:
            return 0

        return self.links[neighbor].get_probability()

    def get_packet_pool(self) -> set[int]:
        Returns the packet pool of self
        return self.packet_pool

    def get_sent(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        Return a dictionary of packets sent by this node and their timesteps
        return {k: v for k, v in self.sent.items()}

    def get_received(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        Return a dictionary of packets received by this node and their timesteps
        return {k: v for k, v in self.received.items()}

    def get_coded_packets_history(self) -> list[tuple[list[int], int]]:
        Return the packet coding history for this node. 
        return [(entry[0][:], entry[1]) for entry in self.coded_packets_history]

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Returns a human-readable version of the string.
        return f"Node with MAC {self.mac_address}, at position ({self.x}, {self.y}) of class {self.hierarchy_class}"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Returns Node representation 
        return f"Node(mac_addr=\"{self.mac_address}\", x={self.x}, y={self.y}, transmit_distance={self.transmit_distance}, hierarchy_class=\"{self.hierarchy_class}\")"


Adds a link from self to other and creates a queue for that neighbor in self.

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def add_link(self, other: "Node") -> None:
    Adds a link from self to other and creates a queue for that neighbor in self.
    distance = min(self.transmit_distance, other.get_transmit_distance())
    other_x, other_y = other.get_position()
    actual = ((self.x - other_x) ** 2 + (self.y - other_y) ** 2) ** 0.5
    if actual <= distance:
        link = Link(self, other)
        self.links[other.get_mac()] = link
        self.queues[other.get_mac()] = []
        self.neighbor_state[other.get_mac()] = set()
def check_rep(self) ‑> None

Asserts this representation is correct

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def check_rep(self) -> None:
    Asserts this representation is correct
    for _, q in self.queues.items():
        for packet, _ in q:
            if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
                assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]
def cleanup(self, timestep: int) ‑> None

Cleans up hidden terminal collisions for nodes in promiscuous mode

Expand source code
def cleanup(self, timestep: int) -> None:
    Cleans up hidden terminal collisions for nodes in promiscuous mode
    if list(self.packet_pool.values()).count(timestep) > 1:
        self.packet_pool = {p: t for p,
                            t in self.packet_pool.items() if t != timestep}
        self.waiting_for_cleanup = {}
        for t in self.waiting_for_cleanup:
            self.waiting_for_response[t +
                                      self.response_wait_time] = self.waiting_for_cleanup[t]
            self.waiting_for_cleanup = {}

    self.packet_pool = {p: t for p, t in self.packet_pool.items(
    ) if timestep - t < self.packet_pool_expiration}
def enqueue_packet(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) ‑> None

Enqueues the given packet.

If self is destination of packet, check if self sent packet with this packet id. If yes, we are done. If no, enqueue a response packet and send back to original src.

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def enqueue_packet(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) -> None:
    Enqueues the given packet.

    If self is destination of packet, check if self sent packet with this packet id. 
        If yes, we are done. If no, enqueue a response packet and send back to original src.
    assert not (packet.get_is_request()
                and packet.get_path()[0] == self.get_mac())
    # we are the final destination of a response
    if packet.get_id() in self.sent or (not packet.get_is_request() and packet.get_path()[-1] == self.get_mac()):
        self.received[packet.get_id()] = timestep
        self.received_packets += 1
    # we are the final destination of a request
    elif packet.get_is_request() and packet.get_path()[-1] == self.get_mac():
        self.waiting_for_cleanup[timestep] = packet.get_reverse()
    # we are engaging in promiscuous listening
    elif self.get_mac() not in packet.get_path():
    # we are a node on the path
        path = packet.get_path()
        nexthop = path[path.index(self.mac_address) + 1]
        self.queues[nexthop].append((packet, timestep))
    # should always be putting a packet that we enqueue into our pool
    self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), packet.get_is_request())] = timestep
def get_all_queues(self) ‑> dict[str, list[tuple[Packet, int]]]

Returns the state of all queues of self

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def get_all_queues(self) -> dict[str, list[tuple[Packet, int]]]:
    Returns the state of all queues of self
    return {k: v[:] for k, v in self.queues.items()}
def get_coded_packets_history(self) ‑> list[tuple[list[int], int]]

Return the packet coding history for this node.

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def get_coded_packets_history(self) -> list[tuple[list[int], int]]:
    Return the packet coding history for this node. 
    return [(entry[0][:], entry[1]) for entry in self.coded_packets_history]
def get_mac(self) ‑> str

Returns the mac address of this node

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def get_mac(self) -> str:
    Returns the mac address of this node
    return self.mac_address
def get_neighbors(self) ‑> list[Node]

Return a list of nodes we are connected to.

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def get_neighbors(self) -> list['Node']:
    Return a list of nodes we are connected to.
    return list(self.links.keys())
def get_next_destination(self) ‑> str

Returns the MAC address of the nexthop of the packets that will be sent next.

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def get_next_destination(self) -> str:
    Returns the MAC address of the nexthop of the packets that will be sent next.
    smallest = float('inf')
    nexthop = None
    for neighbor, queue in self.queues.items():
        if not queue:
        elif queue[0][1] < smallest:
            nexthop = neighbor
            smallest = queue[0][1]

    return nexthop
def get_packet_pool(self) ‑> set[int]

Returns the packet pool of self

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def get_packet_pool(self) -> set[int]:
    Returns the packet pool of self
    return self.packet_pool
def get_packets_received(self) ‑> int

Returns the number of packets that this node has received

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def get_packets_received(self) -> int:
    Returns the number of packets that this node has received
    return self.received_packets
def get_position(self) ‑> tuple[float, float]

Returns the position of the node in (x, y) format

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def get_position(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
    Returns the position of the node in (x, y) format
    return (self.x, self.y)
def get_probability(self, neighbor: str) ‑> float

Return the probability that a transmission to a neighbor will succeed.

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def get_probability(self, neighbor: str) -> float:
    Return the probability that a transmission to a neighbor will succeed.
    if not neighbor in self.links:
        return 0

    return self.links[neighbor].get_probability()
def get_queue_state(self, neighbor: str) ‑> list[Packet]

Returns an ordered list of packets, representing self's current queue.

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def get_queue_state(self, neighbor: str) -> list[Packet]:
    Returns an ordered list of packets, representing self's current queue.
    assert neighbor in self.queues, 'cannot get queues of node that is not neighbor'
    return [p for p, _ in self.queues[neighbor]]
def get_received(self) ‑> dict[str, str]

Return a dictionary of packets received by this node and their timesteps

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def get_received(self) -> dict[str, str]:
    Return a dictionary of packets received by this node and their timesteps
    return {k: v for k, v in self.received.items()}
def get_sent(self) ‑> dict[str, str]

Return a dictionary of packets sent by this node and their timesteps

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def get_sent(self) -> dict[str, str]:
    Return a dictionary of packets sent by this node and their timesteps
    return {k: v for k, v in self.sent.items()}
def get_transmit_distance(self) ‑> float

Returns the transmit distance of this node

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def get_transmit_distance(self) -> float:
    Returns the transmit distance of this node
    return self.transmit_distance
def in_range(self, x: float, y: float) ‑> bool

Given an (x,y) coordinate, determines if that coordinate is within range of this node.

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def in_range(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool:
    Given an (x,y) coordinate, determines if that coordinate is within range of this node.
    return ((x - self.x) ** 2 + (y - self.y) ** 2) ** 0.5 <= self.transmit_distance
def initiate_send(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) ‑> None

Initiates the send of packet.

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def initiate_send(self, packet: Packet, timestep: int) -> None:
    Initiates the send of packet.
    self.sent[packet.get_id()] = timestep
    self.queues[packet.get_path()[1]].append((packet, timestep))
    self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), True)] = timestep
def is_linked(self, other: str) ‑> bool

Given the MAC address of another node, returns True iff there is a link between self and other.

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def is_linked(self, other: str) -> bool:
    Given the MAC address of another node, returns True iff there is a link between self and other.
    return other in self.links
def learn_timestep(self, timestep: int) ‑> None

Tells this node the timestep that the arena is currently on. Updates the queue if it should

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def learn_timestep(self, timestep: int) -> None:
    Tells this node the timestep that the arena is currently on. Updates the queue if it should 
    if timestep not in self.waiting_for_response:

    response_packet = self.waiting_for_response.pop(timestep)
    if response_packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
        # print(timestep)
        # print(self.resurrected)
        raise ValueError
    assert not response_packet.get_is_request()
    self.enqueue_packet(response_packet, timestep)
    self.resurrected[response_packet.get_id()] = False
def packet_in_queues(self) ‑> bool

Returns True iff there are packets in any of the nodes' queues

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def packet_in_queues(self) -> bool:
    Returns True iff there are packets in any of the nodes' queues
    return self.get_next_destination() is not None
def receive_cope_packet(self, cope_packet: COPEPacket, timestep: int) ‑> None

Lets the given node receive a COPEPacket

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def receive_cope_packet(self, cope_packet: COPEPacket, timestep: int) -> None:
    Lets the given node receive a COPEPacket
    reception_report = cope_packet.get_reception_report()

    packets = cope_packet.get_packets()
    new_packet = None
    for packet in packets:
        if (packet.get_id(), packet.get_is_request()) in self.packet_pool:
        elif packet.get_id() in self.sent and packet.get_is_request():
            self.packet_pool[(packet.get_id(), True)
                             ] = self.sent[packet.get_id()]

        if new_packet is None:
            new_packet = packet

    # we have already seen all packets encoded here
    if new_packet is None:
    if new_packet.get_id() in self.resurrected and self.resurrected[new_packet.get_id()]:
        # print(self.resurrected)
        # print((new_packet.get_id(), new_packet.get_is_request()))
        # print(new_packet.get_path())
        # print(self.packet_pool)
        # print(self.get_mac())
        # print(self.reversing)
        # print((new_packet.get_id(), False) in self.packet_pool)
        # print('old fixed point')
        raise ValueError(new_packet.get_id())

                      new_packet.get_is_request())] = timestep
    self.enqueue_packet(new_packet, timestep)
def receive_reception_report(self, report: ReceptionReport) ‑> None

Updates self's state based on the reception report

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def receive_reception_report(self, report: ReceptionReport) -> None:
    Updates self's state based on the reception report
    node = report.get_node()
    packets = report.get_packets()
    self.neighbor_state[node] = set(packets)
def send_from_queues(self, timestep: int, hidden_terminal: bool, override: bool) ‑> None

Look for an encoding opportunity amongst the heads of our neighbor queues.

Dequeues the next packet(s), creates a COPEPacket object, and sends the packet to its next hops.

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def send_from_queues(self, timestep: int, hidden_terminal: bool, override: bool) -> None:
    Look for an encoding opportunity amongst the heads of our neighbor queues.

    Dequeues the next packet(s), creates a COPEPacket object, and sends the packet to its next hops. 
    single = self.get_next_destination()
    nexthops = [single]
    packet = self.queues[single].pop(0)[0]
    if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
        assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]
        self.resurrected[packet.get_id()] = True
    packets = [packet]
    if hidden_terminal:
    for neighbor, q in self.queues.items():  # adds all packets to the copepacket
        if neighbor != nexthops[0]:
            if not (q and all((p.get_id(), p.get_is_request()) in self.neighbor_state[neighbor] for p in packets)):
                # checks to see that all previous packets are in neighbor's packet pool

            p = q[0][0]
            if not all((p.get_id(), p.get_is_request()) in self.neighbor_state[node] for node in nexthops):
                # checks to see if the node single knows p

            if packet.get_id() in self.resurrected:
                assert not self.resurrected[packet.get_id()]
                self.resurrected[packet.get_id()] = True


    for neighbor in nexthops:  # this ensures fairness, so we are not just encoding the same people
        self.neighbor_state[neighbor] = self.neighbor_state.pop(neighbor)

    cope_packet = COPEPacket(packets, ReceptionReport(
        set(self.packet_pool), self.mac_address))

        ([packet.get_id() for packet in packets], timestep))

    for nexthop in self.links:
            cope_packet, self.mac_address, timestep, override)

def send_reception_report(self, timestep: int, override: bool) ‑> None

Node sends a reception report to all its neighbors

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def send_reception_report(self, timestep: int, override: bool) -> None:
    Node sends a reception report to all its neighbors
    report = ReceptionReport(
        set(p for p in self.packet_pool), self.mac_address)
    for _, link in self.links.items():
            report, self.mac_address, timestep, override)